Agrarian Crisis

                   AGRARIAN CRISIS

          India is an agrarian country. About 85% of the country’s population directly or indirectly depend on agriculture. However, despite being the occupation of such large population, the agricultural sector is facing many problems.

                   The low levels of technology, lack of irrigation facilities  and less use of fertilizers are leading to the plight of farmers. The income of the farmers in India is just Rs. 6426/- per month. There are certain cases of farmer suicide due to unbearable burden of debt. Most of the suicides are seen in the areas of low rainfall and poorly irrigated regions. Another reason for this is shortage of money.         
                   Many landless and poor farmers lack to invest in farming.  In 1950’s the GDP per worker in non-agricultural sectors was twice that in agriculture but now it is 4:1. There is also a debate on subsidies these days. Farming is a risky business. Some believe that farmers should be given subsidies so that the small farmers can be benefitted from them. Most farmers in India are poor and cannot afford it without the subsidies. Another risk is of the weather. Majority of small farmers are dependent on rains.

                    The government has started the Loan Waiver Scheme for poor and needy farmers in states like Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab. But it also has some drawbacks. It is not able to cover all the farmers. Further more than two or three people from same family are taking benefits. The income of the farmers should be improved and reforms in agriculture sector, more public funding and support can help the farmers to a large extent.

                        But it is said very true that ‘Farming can sustain our life but we can’t develop’.


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