Human Evolution from monkeys?


                       After the Union Minister Satyapal Singh claimed that Darwin’s theory of Evolution is scientifically wrong, the question has arised that, ‘Are human beings evolution of monkeys?’ Before this many scientists also argued that the Theory of Evolution is wrong.
                       According to him human beings has always been human beings. He also said that our ancestors too have not seen an ape turning into a human being and so the theory should be removed from the school  curriculum.
                  Darwinism is a theory developed by Charles Darwin and others, stating that all organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small variations that increase the individual’s ability to survive and reproduce.

                   Many children cannot even read their mother tongue and are facing many difficulties. The HRD minister should pay attention on these problems instead of challenging Darwin whose theory is sufficiently examined. The scientists are in deep pain due to this claim. There are many scientific evidences to prove the fact that humans and monkeys had a common ancestor. It is a great insult to the genuine research work of Indian scientific traditions. This claim had diminished the image of the country at the global level and had also reduced the faith in research of Indian researchers.  


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